26 Jul Open This to Cool Down Immediately
Break Away From Summer Temps
On a really hot and humid Chicago summer day I love it when I’m relaxing in front of the TV and there’s a Christmas rerun of a favorite show. Suddenly I’ve forgotten the 96 degrees in the shade and I can almost feel a chill down my back. So I thought you might enjoy a quick trip to -17 degrees from JCC’s Winter Camp up at Camp Chi in Wisconsin. A perfect set of images to remind you to relish the sweat dripping down your shirt since winter will be back before we know it.

JCC provides a super fun week-long camp during winter break up at Camp Chi’s Pearlstein Resort, a much better option than sitting around playing video games for a week.

Seeing Camp Chi covered in snow is a beautiful site. The lake is frozen over and becomes a whole new playground for campers. Instead of staying in cabins teens enjoy the warmth of the heated dorms.

I always thought it had to be at least 25 degrees out for it to snow, but it certainly wasn’t when I camped out on Cascade mountain desperately trying to pick out our campers from the other skiers. The trick, our kids were the only ones in helmets 😉

After struggling through hours of ski lessons in the snow, everyone was ready to let loose on the snow tubes. Even the counselors joined in on the fun.