One of the perks of working as an event photographer is that I get paid to photograph incredible events at some of the coolest places in the city. This event for the Chicago Public Library Foundation was no exception. When they said it was at the American Writers Museum and that I needed to get images showcasing the space, I imagined crusty old books behind glass, rooms of stuff you couldn’t touch or read. I’m thrilled that I was so wrong.
A table of old typewriters out for everyone to play with. I love how excited this woman is to get started on her great American novel.
Interactive games on the wall lead you through the minds of various writers as you discover what you might have in common.
A wall of writers by genre invites you to flip over their tiles to uncover videos about each of them.
I couldn't resist this tribute to some of Chicago's own great writers whose influence will live on forever.
Inviting a top mixologist from Logan Square's own Whistler, custom cocktails were created for Maya Angelo and Ernest Hemmingway.
Attendees listened to short presentations about Angelo and Hemmingway while sipping cocktails influenced by these legends.