For most grown-ups summer is a lot like winter; you still work full time, you still spend your days inside an office, and you still have to-do lists a mile long. But remember when summer meant a whole other life? Take a minute to stick your toe into the water of summer camp JCC Chicago style. Feel that sunshine on your face, that exhilarating splash into the pool, and smell that sunscreen (SPF 6 right?) all around you.
Astro-pops and freckles for miles; some tastes of summer never change.
Camps in the city can take their water activities straight to Lake Michigan; no fancy pool needed, no chlorine required.
Not only is color war still a huge part of summer camp life but no one throws themselves quite into their outfits like the kids at Apachi Rogers Park.
You wouldn't know she's in a pool surrounded by screaming, splashing, diving kids. Clearly she knows how to soak in that sun.
Can't swim? No problem. I'm sure you're "friends" will gladly keep you cool during these hot summer days.
Zip lining isn't just for vacations in Costa Rica; at the JCC in Lake Zurich campers fly through the air after scaling a huge climbing wall, that's one way to hang out this summer.
Nothing beats trying to manuever a paddle boat with your buds on a hot summer day. At ZFA Apachi they have a pond dedicated to this summertime favorite.
There's always that one counselor you could count on for anything, even a piggy back ride on a 95 degree day.
There's always that one counselor you could count on for anything, even a piggy back ride on a 95 degree day.